The Osun state Police command has arrested a 48-year-old herbalist identified as Isiaka Ogunkoya for the murder of one Pastor, Kalejaye Ezekiel.
Ogunkoya met with Karma on his way to Isoyin. He was arrested during a stop-and-search operation where he confessed the human parts belongs to a pastor.
“I killed the pastor for rituals, needed to make use of a human during that period and the pastor came around. He told me he needed more spiritual powers so as to have more members to his church so I thought it was a good opportunity for me to make use of the pastor for the rit¥als I’m supposed to do that time.
“I gave him a substance to drink which he drank and slept off. So I butch£red him and took out his heart and intestines which i used to make a concoction,” he said.
Valentine Ozigbo – Ka Anambra Chawapu